Natural History Photographs

Kayaköy (Muğla), Turkey
8 June 2012

Kayaköy is a ghost town some 8 km away from Fethiye. "It consists of hundreds of rundown but still mostly intact Greek-style houses and churches which cover a small mountainside... After the Greco-Turkish War, Kayaköy was largely abandoned after a population exchange agreement was signed by the Turkish and Greek governments in 1923." (source: Wikipedia) Between the ruins plants grow relatively unhindered and their flowers attract many insects. So apart from the cultural-historical perspective, Kayaköy is an interesting place to visit for nature as well.

Acmaeoderella villosula

Cerocoma spec.

Stolomyia tenella

Micomitra spec.

Papilio alexanor Papilio machaon

Ancylorhynchus spec. Asilidae

Philipomyia graeca Forficula smyrnensis

Eatoniana plumipes